Goodwell International (Hong Kong) Company Limited | Outdoor Lighting - Technical & Professional Lighting Exhibitor
Kathy MeeMarketing ManagerGoodwell International (Hong Kong) Company Limited
Goodwell International (Hong Kong) Company Limited
Hong Kong
Other Certificates
china patent of electromagnetic levitation system
Issued By-Type-Valid Date(N/A) - (N/A)
china patent of electromagnetic levitation system
Issued By-Type-Valid Date(N/A) - (N/A)
china patent of electromagnetic levitation system
Issued By-Type-Valid Date(N/A) - (N/A)
LVD certificate for electromagnetic levitation system
Issued By-Type-Valid Date(N/A) - (N/A)
FCC certificate for electromagnetic levitation system
Issued By-Type-Valid Date(N/A) - (N/A)
EMC for automatic rotation system
Issued By-Type-Valid Date(N/A) - (N/A)
European patent for turning photo cube
Issued By-Type-Valid Date(N/A) - (N/A)
European patent for turning photo cube
Issued By-Type-Valid Date(N/A) - (N/A)
European patent for turning photo cube
Issued By-Type-Valid Date(N/A) - (N/A)
European patent for turning photo cube
Issued By-Type-Valid Date(N/A) - (N/A)

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