Success Stories | HKTDC Hong Kong Baby Products Fair

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Jinseop Lee, CEO (right)
Jesse Lee, Manager, Overseas Sales Department (left)
i-angel Co., Ltd.
We have been participating in the Hong Kong Baby Products Fair since 2008 because all of our existing distributors come from this fair and this fair has helped us develop our export business. Indeed, the fair is a perfect place for us to look for new distributors and explore new business opportunities. As Hong Kong is an international trading hub, we are pleased to announce the launch of our new collection for hipseat baby carriers – Dr Dial at this year’s fair. We have received positive feedback from international buyers who are keen to know more about our new product’s details. We have found a potential distributor from Canada and a potential buyer from a large department store chain in Thailand. As the new collection has aroused a lot of interest, we forecast that the fair can generate at least US$1 million in new orders for our company.
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Minjun Kang
Executive Director
Daiichi Company Limited
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Wallace Su
Sales Director
Two Moms Corp., Ltd
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Chakrit Khurana
Managing Director
Zenith Baby Care Co., Ltd.
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Martin Mihaylovski
Business Development Director
Kika Group Ltd.
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Julia Zhu (second from left)
Sales Manager
Xplorys BV – Dooky
the Netherlands
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Tanley Sze
I-Baby International Limited
Hong Kong
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Selina Leung
Sales Manager
Foshan Shunde Lonsun Electrical Appliance Company Limited
Mainland China
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Belinda Tang
General Manager
Guangzhou Bel Baby Product Co., Limited
Mainland China
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Tony Shih
Vice President
Tomali Boutique
In business for five years, Tomali Boutique is a distributor of baby products in Taiwan. This is my first visit to the Hong Kong Baby Products Fair after COVID-19. The fair is important to our business development because it brings together a lot of international exhibitors. I have tried the Click2Match platform for the first time which is very useful and efficient. Through Click2Match, I have found two potential suppliers of tooth brushes and laundry detergent from Korea and one potential supplier of baby bibs from Mainland China. I have placed an onsite order for US$11,000 worth of baby bibs and also plan to buy US$14,000 worth of tooth brushes and US$6,000 worth of laundry detergent. In addition, I am interested in buying one container of baby wipes worth around US$40,000-50,000 from a new supplier that I have found at the fair. The Scan2Match feature allows me to bookmark potential suppliers easily and reminds me to visit potential suppliers again later.
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Gosia Marjańska
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Seph Wee
Business Development Manager
Baby’s Hyperstore Inc.
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Abishek Bharathan
Head of Operations
Anvi Baby Company
United Arab Emirates
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Marco Leporatti
FOB Manager
Productos Infantiles Selectos SA de CV (Prinsel)
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Ali Mollaalioğlu (right)
Category Manager