Market News | Fashion InStyle

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INDONESIA: Import Duties Planned for Clothing, Footwear, and Ceramics
Jul 2024

Indonesia is planning import duties on several categories of goods, with footwear, clothing, textiles, cosmetics and ceramics likely to be affected. Duties will range from 100% to 200%, with the exact rates determined by the Indonesian Trade Safeguards Committee.

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Textiles Industry in Hong Kong
Jul 2024

Hong Kong’s textiles industry serves not only local clothing manufacturers but also those in mainland China and other offshore production bases. Capitalising on the long experience in the manufacture of textiles, many Hong Kong companies also engage in textiles trading. The industry has a good reputation as a supplier of quality dyed and printed fabrics. It is also strong in cotton spinning, denim weaving, knit-to-shape panel knitting, and fine-gauge cotton knit manufacturing.

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Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation Published, Paving the Way for Future Measures
Jul 2024

The Official Journal of the EU has published Regulation (EU) 2024/1781 establishing a new framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for sustainable products. The framework will lead to ecodesign requirements that virtually all product sectors will eventually have to comply with if they are to be placed on the market. In addition, the new Regulation establishes a digital product passport, and creates a framework to prevent unsold consumer products – textiles and footwear for starters – from being destroyed.

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EU Member States Put Forward Proposals Targeting Textile Products Used in Fast Fashion
Jun 2024

On 7 June 2024, Austria, Finland, France and the Netherlands put forward a proposal to tackle fast fashion as part of the revision of EU waste rules regarding textile products. In a recent meeting of Member State officials in Brussels, the proposal received the support of Luxembourg, Ireland, Greece, Croatia, Poland, Cyprus, Romania, Czechia, Hungary, and Bulgaria.

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US Bridal Boutiques Look to Diversify to Counter Sales Pain Points
Jun 2024

Undercut by online operators and with limited sales opportunities, many in the US bridalwear sector are seeking alternative revenue streams.

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US Bridalwear Market Cautiously Welcomes Gender-Neutral Couture
Jun 2024

While white gowns remain the number one choice, demand for alternatives is growing, according to many at Chicago’s National Bridal Market.

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InVision: Hong Kong Fashion InStyle – Old Friends and New Trends
May 2024

Asia’s leading fashion sourcing platform highlighted such hardy perennials as denim, while also exploring ecoprints and more surreal styles.

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Denmark Plans Ban on PFAS in Clothing, Shoes and Waterproofing Agents from July 2026
May 2024

Denmark’s Ministry of the Environment has announced plans to ban per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in clothing, shoes and waterproofing agents intended for consumers from 1 July 2026 onwards. This ban, announced last month, would constitute a first step to an expected broader EU-wide regulation to be enforced from 2027 onwards or later.

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New House Bill Seeks to Eliminate Gender Bias in U.S. Tariff Schedule
Apr 2024

Legislation recently introduced in the House would require the U.S. Treasury Department to conduct a study on potential gender bias and regressivity within the U.S. tariff system and report the findings to the U.S. Congress.

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New Enforcement Strategy Targets Illicit Textile and Apparel Imports
Apr 2024

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recently issued a new strategy to combat illicit trade in textile and apparel products and “level the playing field for the American textile industry, which accounts for over 500,000 jobs and is critical” for U.S. national security.

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