EIA PATH v2.1 Solutions (環評報告) | Environmental Protection | Environmental Advisory, Management & Consultancy
EIA PATH v2.1 Solutions (環評報告)
Hong Kong
Booth: 3-C14 | Air Quality |
Product Specification
Product Description

Complete air quality impact assessment reports quickly and efficiently.


  • Without advice from experts on PATH v2.1 and PATH cluster, navigating the steep learning curve is difficult.

  • Setting up, tuning and administering a PATH-efficient cluster needs trained IT experts.

  • Prolonged input preparation and approval cycles if staff have insufficient expertise in this area.

ClusterTech’s advantages:

  • Significant Contributor to the PATH Algorithm with hands-on experience in PATH execution

  • Teams Specialised in Air Quality Modelling and HPC

  • Valuable Professional Advice for Liaison with EPD on Input Data