2025年9月3日 (星期三) - 2025年9月6日 (星期六)
Add to My Calendar
Please click the below link to add to your iOS calendar:
https://vep-tradeshow.hktdc.com/ics/2024/48/generatedIcs_2025-09-03_10_000ecc4e796sc.icsPlease follow the below steps to add to your Google calendar
1. Login Google calendar
2. Click Add other calendars
3. Click From URL
4. Paste the below link to the field URL of calendar
5. Click Add Calender
Please follow the below steps to add to your Outlook calendar
1. Login Outlook calendar
2. Click Add calendar
3. Click Subscribe from web
4. Paste the below link to the input field
5. Click Import
2025年8月3日 (星期日) - 2025年10月2日 (星期四)
Add to My Calendar
Please click the below link to add to your iOS calendar:
https://vep-tradeshow.hktdc.com/ics/2024/48/generatedIcs_2025-08-03_00_001ecc4e796sc.icsPlease follow the below steps to add to your Google calendar
1. Login Google calendar
2. Click Add other calendars
3. Click From URL
4. Paste the below link to the field URL of calendar
5. Click Add Calender
Please follow the below steps to add to your Outlook calendar
1. Login Outlook calendar
2. Click Add calendar
3. Click Subscribe from web
4. Paste the below link to the input field
5. Click Import