AI based Speech Analysis
AI based Speech Analysis
展位編號: 3D-E25 | 創意科技及智慧城市

The AI Speech Analysis works for automatic call recordings transcribing and scoring agents' performance in the call so you can track and analyze the agent's performance and improve the quality of customer support and sales.

1. Call Transcription: The system transcribes the whole call to text for the analysis of the call.

2. Speaker Diarization: Our software can differentiate speakers in the call and tell who is agent and who is client.

3. Scoring: Based on the keywords, the agent can be assigned a score as per his/her conversation with the client, so you can easily track the performances of all the agents.

4. Reports: There are different types of reports available like Keywords Analysis and Word Cloud which displays the most important keywords extracted from the call.


Use Case(s):

Call centers across different fields can use our service to track and analyze their agent's performance and improve the quality of customer support and sales calls.