應用於高能耗物聯網設備的長壽命電池 | 消費電子產品
展位編號: 3C-C03 | 創意科技及智慧城市 |

Battery life is a critical factor for IoT devices as large-scale battery replacement cost is much higher than the device itself. NAMI has developed a series of long lasting batteries for IoT devices with doubled battery life. The battery pack has an extreme low self-discharge current down to 1.5 µA at room temperature which enable the battery pack to keep over 85% of its capacity after 5-year storage and possesses a wide operation temperature from -40 to 85°C, expanding the application of the IoT devices to diverse geographic regions. During data transmission under the popular LoRa, NB-IoT, LTE or GSM protocols, the battery can continuously provide constant voltage output over 3.4V and lowers signal loss during transmission which is significant when conventional primary batteries are used. In addition, the battery pack’s form factor is flexible to fit different IoT devices.     

Major Benefits

  • High power output efficiency
  • Constant voltage output
  • Up to 5A pulse current output
  • High performance/cost ratio
  • Safe

Application Areas

  • Emergency call system in automotive
  • Outdoor IoT equipment (5G base station, etc.)
  • IoT sensors for smart city
  • Facility deterioration diagnosis in industrial plant
  • Equipment & asset tracking