展位编号: 3D-E33 | 创意科技及智慧城市

  • BEAUTYSPOTS provide you best platform for searching salons, spas, medical centers, yoga centers etc
  • Users can also search for the best prices, the best promotions and the best reviewed businesses in their area
  • There is no other site which provides this kind of search services for this business types
  • For Business:
  • Quick & Easy Registration process
  • Free Registration
  • Staff Management 
  • Free Blog
  • Listing of Promotions
  • Listing of Products
  • Listing of Profiles
  • Listing of Gallery
  • Appointment Booking Feature
  • Reviews for users For Users:
  • Quick and Easy Registration
  • Book Appointments
  • Post Reviews
  • Make favourites Future Scope
  • Customize the page as per business liking
  • Inventory Management
  • Appointment Calendar and Management for each staff members
  • Premium Services with extra cost
  • Fastest possible search results
  • Target More Countries