Bluereo OralClean G100 Electric Suction Toothbrush 自動吸液聲波護理牙刷
Electric suction toothbrush G100 presents a simple yet effective oral care solution for the caregivers and care-receivers who are unable to practice oral hygiene by themselves, due to the sickness, disability, or injury.
- Quiet yet Strong Suction – A suction function with a 500mL per minute rate quickly and cleanly removes the water produced in your mouth during brushing.
- Soft Sonic Vibration spreads through your mouth – Sonic vibrations of 14,000 times per minutes protects your sensitive gums, which also provides effective cleansing.
- LED Light completes the convenient brushing – LED light attached to the toothbrush head brightens up the inside of your mouth while brushing.
Bluereo G100 自動吸液聲波護理牙刷是全球首款為長期臥床人士設計的護理用牙刷,由韓國研發及製造。
- 二合一設計 - 刷牙同時抽走多餘液體,防止用家誤清潔口腔用的液體
- 安靜而強勁的吸力 - 抽吸功能達每分鐘500亳升,可快速抽走刷牙時在口腔積聚的液體
- 柔和的聲波振動功能 - 每分鐘14,000次聲波振動,保護用家的牙齦敏感部位,並提供可觀的清潔效果
- 貼心的LED口腔照明燈 - 照顧者在協助臥床人士刷牙時,位於刷頭的LED燈能充份照亮用家的口腔內部,照顧者能更安全及仔細地進行清潔