Success Stories | HKTDC Hong Kong Toys & Games Fair

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Albert Gajšak
CEO & Co-founder
CircuitMess d.o.o
Specialising in the development and production of AI-powered STEM DIY toys, CircuitMess is participating in the Hong Kong Toys & Games Fair for the first time because Hong Kong provides an important gateway for us to further develop the Asian market. Currently, we have distributors in Europe and North America. As 30% of our sales turnover is generated by our online sales to the Asian market, we are keen to find new distributors and open a new warehouse in this region. In just a few hours after the opening of the fair, we have found potential distributors from India, Mainland China and Saudi Arabia and a potential buyer who is a toy retailer in Hong Kong. We expect we’ll be able to form partnerships with 10-50 new distributors through this fair. Each new distributor will place a trial order worth US$20,000-50,000. We are happy with buyer traffic at the fair. As the fair has generated lots of new business opportunities, we’ll definitely come back next year.
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Peter Law
Senior Sales Manager
Panley (H.K.) Ltd.
Hong Kong
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Kunnika K
Export Sale
Thaicolor Clay Co. Ltd. (TCC)
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Minji Kim (second from left)
Gabe Inc.
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Lina (second from right)
Pt Multi Mitra Sakti
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Lester Lee
General Manager
Lucky Rainbow International Pte. Ltd.
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Alvin Lun
Assistant Director
Welly Die Casting Factory Ltd
Hong Kong
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Johnny Sze
Chief Executive Officer
Eastcolight (Hong Kong) Limited,
Hong Kong
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Andrew Ng
General Manager
Hape International (Hong Kong) Ltd.
Hong Kong
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Darly Leung
Sales & Marketing Director
Nicer Holdings Ltd.
Hong Kong
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Marta Scort
Playvalue USA LLC
the US
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Rex Yang
GTM Specialist
Alpha Animation Culture Ltd
Mainland China
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Kelly Ma
Founder and Managing Director
Ningbo Guanyi International Trade Company Limited
Mainland China
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Angel Manuel Algara G. (centre)
Algara, S.A. De C.V.
Algara is a toy retailer and distributor in Mexico which operates five toy stores. We visit the Hong Kong Toys & Games Fair almost every year because it is a perfect place for us to observe the latest market trends, find new suppliers and see new products presented by our existing suppliers. Through the HKTDC’s Click2Match meetings, I have found three potential suppliers of science toys, microscopes and 3D wooden puzzles from Hong Kong and Mainland China. I have already placed an order for US$100,000 worth of science toys and microscopes with a Hong Kong supplier. The Hong Kong fair provides an important channel for us to source new products. Each year, we purchase US$2.5 million worth of toys and games from the suppliers we have found at this fair. We are also looking for new toys for the elderly this year. The Scan2Match feature provides a good and easy way for us to keep the contacts of potential suppliers.
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Libor Frank
Sell Toys S.R.O
Czech Republic
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Mike Ross
Director of Global Sourcing
Regal Games, LLC
the US
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Filip Mitu
ErFi Kids SRL
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Vishal Gupta
Playwell Impex Private Limited
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Hosook Chae
Durocharisma Co., Ltd.
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Kim Chng
Managing Director
Play ‘N’ Learn Pte Ltd,
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Mavis Liaw
Go Marvellous Marketing Sdn Bhd