Fair News
CircuitMess d.o.o.
In just a few hours after the opening of the fair, we have found potential distributors from India, Mainland China and Saudi Arabia and a potential buyer who is a toy retailer in Hong Kong. We expect we’ll be able to form partnerships with 10-50 new distributors through this fair.
Panley (H.K.) Ltd.
The number of buyers visiting our booth has increased by 30-40% as compared to last year. We are happy to have seen more European buyers this year. We have found more than 10 potential buyers from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Spain, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates and the US who have made serious enquiries about our green toys. The HKTDC’s Click2Match platform is a precise tool that helps connect with solid buyers from the Czech Republic, Spain and Thailand online for us to meet at the fair. As the global toy market is picking up, we expect new orders generated by this year’s fair to grow by 10-15% over last year’s fair.
Algara, S.A. De C.V.
Through the HKTDC’s Click2Match meetings, I have found three potential suppliers of science toys, microscopes and 3D wooden puzzles from Hong Kong and Mainland China. I have already placed an order for US$100,000 worth of science toys and microscopes with a Hong Kong supplier. Each year, we purchase US$2.5 million worth of toys and games from the suppliers we have found at this fair. We are also looking for new toys for the elderly.