Pu’er Tea Cake | 咖啡,茶,可可
展位編號: 5F-D18 | 各地名茶
The source of this tea cake was from the ancient arbor tea trees that grow in the primitive forest of 'Six Famous Tea Mountains' - Yibang, Yiwu and Manzhuan regions of Yunnan province, China. Indulge your senses in a quiet primitive forest through every sip of this tea. Treated by traditional manual processes (such as green-killing, rolling twisting, sun-baking, etc.), the tea leaves were stone-pressed into a neat and tidy teacake. The thick veins and distinctive edges can be clearly seen. This tea cake comes with fresh honey-sweet floral notes. The color of the brewed tea is a shimmering yellow. The texture of the brew is thick, with sweet undertones and lingers in the mouth. The well aged good Pu-erh gains value over time. As it becomes vintage dark tea after proper storage, the color of the brew will evolve from a sunny yellowish shade to dark red and by then, the brew will be mellow in taste, but still clean and assertive in flavor.
  • High quality.
  • 2013 Hong Kong International Tea Fair award-winning tea-Rhyme of Forest.