Pre-compliance | 資訊科技服務 | 質量檢驗,合規與測試服務 | 技術諮詢服務
展位編號: 3CON-011 | 測檢及認證服務

Nemko’s product pre-compliance service includes:

  • Pre-evaluation
  • Pre-testing
  • Certification and international approval recommendations

Why pre-evaluation?

  • Make sure your product will comply with necessary regulatory requirements
  • Avoid surprises and potential delays in market launch of your product

Why pre-testing?

  • Reduce risk of re-designing your product during testing
  • Ensure that your product development process is on track
  • Avoid non-conformities before your product is put to production
  • Use test results as basis for your certification and international approval

Why certification and international approval recommendations?

  • Identify your product’s geographical market potential from a regulatory perspective
  • Ensure shortest possible time-to-market
  • Avoid potential delays in market launch

Whether you are a product designer, manufacturer and/or distributor, our compliance engineers and regulatory experts will provide you with:

  • Extensive knowledge of latest national and international regulatory requirements
  • Application of directives and interpretation of product standards
  • Professional review of your documentation and product design
  • Support to secure you smooth testing, verification and certification

Nemko’s pre-compliance service follows proven steps to guide you in your development process:

  • What category does your product belong to?
  • In which environment will it be used? At home, in the office, in hospital, on a maritime or potential explosive location or elsewhere?
  • Which critical components is your product made up of?
  • Depending on product category, different product standards apply. We assist you in identifying which are relevant for your product

Where will your product be marketed?

  • In which countries or geographical regions do you want your product to be sold? Do these markets have special regulations and requirements?

Do you have specific customer requirements?

  • You may experience specific requirements from your customers, which are in addition to national and international standards and directives?

From product design, prototype testing, through to production and market launch - you can rely on Nemko to guide you past all regulatory requirements!