Testing Inspection Certification Service | 質量檢驗,合規與測試服務
Testing Inspection Certification Service
展位編號: 3CON-013 | 測檢及認證服務
The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre provide a full range of professional testing, inspections and certification services according to your own specifications or major international standards.
Testing services on product categories:
  • Chemical, Food & Pharmaceutical Products
  • Textiles, Footwear, Furniture & Materials
  • Electrical Products
  • Toys & Children's Products
  • Medical Devices
Certification related testing and supporting services:
  • China Compulsory Certification (CCC)
  • Europe CE Mark
  • GCC G-Mark
  • Hong Kong OFCA Certification
  • Hong Kong Safety Mark
  • Japan Safe Goods (SG) Mark
  • Japan ST Mark
  • Japan PSE Mark
  • US CPSIA Certification
  • US FCC sDoC
We also provide a wide variety of inspection services for major consumer products including garment, toys, bag, footwear, electrical, electronic, watch and clock and sundry products. We also provide factory evaluation and audit services, such as Code of Conduct, Social Audit and Laboratory Audit.