3, 6, 9 and 12V Solar Panel with 9V and AA Battery Charger
3, 6, 9 and 12V Solar Panel with 9V and AA Battery Charger
展位编号: ED-S013 | 「貿發網」小批量採購專區




  • Super value: With additional AA battery charger function at no extra cost
  • Advanced design with four different voltages
  • LED indicator to show and to confirm the charging process takes place
  • A blocking diode is built-in the circuit to prevent the current flowing back to the solar panel at night time
  • Works instantly under sunlight to run your appliances or stores the energy in the rechargeable battery for later use
  • Full set of omni plug and cable wire is provided for easy connection
  • With adjustable stand for maximum absorption of solar energy
  • Charging by solar is fast and safe. Full charged batteries are detached and ready for any other items use.