超强韧的超级纤维 | 纺织品、布料及纱线 | 家居布料
展位编号: 3F-D24 | 服饰科技及服务





High-performance fibers such as aramid fiber and carbon fiber are used in advanced applications in aerospace, automotive, building and military applications due to their exceptional tensile strength. However, these fibers suffer from the severe limitation of low toughness which leads to poor ductility, low machinability and fabricability, and short lifetime, preventing their widespread use. The development of a polymer fiber with both high tensile strength and high toughness remains a major challenge.

Leveraging NAMI’s expertise in smart protection materials and polymer technology, a bionic super fiber with molecular structure similar to nature spider silk has been developed. Through unique formulation and process, NAMI’s super fiber is simultaneously strong and tough, and can be scaled up in a cost-effective manner.

Major Benefits

  • High toughness while retaining high strength
  • Excellent UV resistance
  • Cost-efficient

Application Areas

  • Rope and net products including safety rope, fishing net, etc.
  • Sports, outdoor or occupational protection textiles