加快传统塑料生物降解的环保添加剂 | 包装物料
展位编号: 3F-D24 | 服饰科技及服务

NAMI’s innovative additives can be incorporated into conventional plastics like polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) and polystyrene (PS) to attract effective microbes onto the plastics’ surfaces, promoting their anaerobic biodegradation and thus minimizing pollution.

Major Benefits

  • Food contact safe and no microplastic issue
  • Compatible with existing recycling streams without affecting the quality of recycled plastics

Application Areas

  • Conventional plasticware manufactured by existing processes, e.g. injection molding, film blowing, thermoforming, etc.
  • Disposable and reusable plasticware, e.g. plastic bags and containers