由香港貿易發展局及香港特別行政區政府合辦的第14屆亞洲知識產權營商論壇,以及由香港貿發局舉辦的第16屆創業日,2024年12月5-6日於香港會議展覽中心舉行,涵蓋論壇、展覽、比賽、工作坊和商貿配對會議等多個環節,並邀得超過160位知識產權專家、國際行業領袖及創投基金等業內翹楚,探討知識產權潛力、品牌策略於各行各業的應用、創科新形勢、粵港澳大灣區、東盟,以及國際機遇,並展示超過400家初創企業及科創項目的產品及技術。12月5至7日同期於香港會議展覽中心舉行的創意設計博覽 (DesignInspire) 集合全球設計及創意精英、潮流品牌、協會及學院,透過一系列互動展品、設計傑作及得獎項目等,推廣頂尖創意。
行業: 知識產權, 設計服務
Serge Conesa 將在研討會上分享他創業歷程,並探討綠色科技在歐洲和中東的市場。研討會亦邀得Amazon Web Services, Digital Innovation Lead, Hong Kong 莊芷坤一同討論應對科技高速發展下的減碳策略。
Mr Serge Conesa, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Immersion4
莊芷坤女士 - Digital Innovation Lead, Hong Kong, Amazon Web Services
Start-ups are fuelling up the global economy by their innovative solutions. Under the theme “Balance Beyond the Boom”, the 14th HKTDC Entrepreneur Day presented the latest tech trends and explored the development of international start-up ecosystem after the start-up boom and facilitated start-ups to tap into global markets, especially GBA and RCEP member regions. The three-day event held on 30 November to 2 December 2022 showcased a hybrid mix of online and physical seminars and exhibitions, offering a one-stop shop for start-ups, prospective entrepreneurs and investors to explore new opportunities and accelerate innovation together in the post-pandemic world.