ESG Reporting and Assurance | 環境保護
展位編號: 6-A16 | 綠色金融及ESG相關服務

CECEP Environmental Consulting Group is a professional consulting firm to provide sustainability-related consultancy. We have been committed to providing diversified services to companies based on the needs of sustainable development, including ESG target-setting and implementation plan, ESG report preparation, corporate sustainability roadmap planning, sustainability report compliance and assurance and so on. We are very experienced in assisting companies to establish ESG governance structure and providing ESG risk assessment consultancy. Meanwhile, we keep up with industrial trend and stay abreast of best practice. We could provide professional trainings to the board, ESG committee and ESG working group on a regular basis to help companies being updated with the latest ESG trend in Hong Kong, mainland China and throughout the world, as well as implementing sustainability strategies and achieving sustainable development goals.