紡織品及成衣檢測和認證服務 | 政府機構 | 質量檢驗,合規與測試服務
展位編號: 6-B14 | 綠色金融及ESG相關服務 |

Why should you use Hong Kong’s testing and certification services?

  • High Professional Integrity
  • Good Intellectual Property Protection 
  • High Technical Competence 
  • Quick Response to Market Needs 
  • Robust Accreditation System Being Highly Regarded Internationally
  • A Free Port with Excellent Logistics Support 

You can find more information about Hong Kong’s testing and certification sector from the website of the Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification (HKCTC): www.hkctc.gov.hk

To find quality reports / certificates? Look for the HKAS Accreditation Symbol!
All endorsed test reports / certificates issued by Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) accredited organisations bear the HKAS accreditation symbol with the registration number of the accredited organisations.

Wide Recognition of HKAS-Accredited Organisations

HKAS’ accreditation is recognised in over 100 economies, including all major trading partners of Hong Kong such as the United States, European Union, Mainland China and Japan.

Accreditation helps users to identify reliable conformity assessment service providers. You can find service providers accredited by HKAS and their scope of accreditation from the website of HKAS: www.hkas.gov.hk