Redemptive | CENTRESTAGE

Conformity will never lead to groundbreaking work, a rebellious attitude is more like it in fashion design. Local brand REDEMPTIVE was established by founder and designer Wilson Choi who has resisted the mainstream with a rebellious spirit since 2018. Building upon the foundation of pragmatic designs, he creates personalised, practical and multi-functional clothing. Have the highs and lows of the new normal altered Choi’s rebellious nature? Or has he stayed true to himself through it all? Let’s explore the inner world of the man behind one of the CENTRESTAGE ELITES brands this year.

  1. How would you describe your design style? Can you briefly introduce the inspiration behind this year’s collection?
REDEMPTIVE centres around pragmatism. Striking a balance between personalisation, functionality and wearability, the brand satisfies consumers’ every want. We are particular about choice of fabrics and our multi-functional designs are our trademark. Unlike the traditional understanding of clothing that serves only one use, our designs can be worn two or more ways, allowing a plethora of styling options and possibilities. What’s more, we’ve incorporated technology into our designs, enhancing the idea of “Fashion with Technology”. REDEMPTIVE’s Spring/Summer 2024 collection titled “OUT OF SERVICE” encourages everyone to go against the grain through functional and imaginative designs. It reminds us that we can continue to pursue our ideals against all adversity.

  1. In the process of managing the brand, what is the biggest challenge you've faced? How did you overcome it?
Fashion design requires a balance between creativity and business, considering cost control, market demand and other factors. In the process, one needs to learn how to compromise to strike a balance. Only those who have managed to strike that balance succeed. To those who like to design, every step of the process is enjoyable, despite its challenges and difficulties. In the end, creative solutions are always found. To fashion designers, finding solutions is part of the journey to elevate our design skills.

  1. How did you and your brand adapt to the new normal during the pandemic?
Brands needed to adapt to the new normal in order to combat the changes and challenges brought about by the pandemic. During that period, consumers’ behaviour and needs changed, and we had to adjust our strategy to satisfy new demands. There was also a need to reinforce online channels and digitise by strengthening our social media presence and other means.

  1. The theme of this year's CENTERSTAGE is "RADIANT WELLNESS". What is your understanding of the connection between fashion and the human body, mind and soul?
I think there’s an intimate connection between the two. For example, comfortable clothes can put people at ease and improve the wellbeing of one’s body, mind and soul. To that end, wearing clothes that suit one’s style can also boost one’s confidence. Evidently, fashion is a form of creativity and self-expression. Sustainability is also connected with fashion and one’s wellbeing. Wearing clothing made of sustainable materials can reduce pollution, which helps one’s well being too.

  1. How does Hong Kong inspire you?
When I was growing up, Hong Kong’s vitality and diversity deeply impacted my thinking and aesthetics. This city is rich with history and cultural heritage yet it is also a modern metropolis. These elements were a major source of inspiration, further enriching and deepening my design ideals.

  1. What future plans do you have for the brand? Do you think sustainable fashion is the way to go in the future for the industry?
To continue to uphold the brand’s founding principles, everyone’s successful recovery from COVID’s economical impact, and for REDEMPTIVE to create more meaningful designs and amplify its voice on a global scale. Regarding sustainable fashion, I think it’s definitely one of the directions fashion will develop in. The fashion industry is already aware of concepts like environmental protection and sustainability. More fashion brands are increasingly adopting sustainable materials and production methods to minimise damage to the environment. As our awareness of environmental protection increases and consumers’ demand for environmentally friendly products rise, sustainable fashion will become an unmissable trend.