Fromclothingof | CENTRESTAGE

There are countless female-focused brands. However, many only focus on eccentric designs rather than demonstrating genuine care for the comfort and satisfaction of women. Hong Kong-based brand fromclothingof places emphasis on empowering and liberating women through clothing. Known for her powerful designs that boast impeccable tailoring and layering, the brand’s designer, Shirley Wong, has been named one of the CENTERSTAGE EMERGING DESIGNERS of the year.

  1. How would you describe your style as a designer? How do you translate your ideas into creations that reflect the everyday attire of Hong Kong women? How do you empower women with your clothing whilst also honouring your own artistic freedom?
The brand combines a strong sense of structure with tailoring that flatters the female form, as well as a range of androgynous materials and a blend of textures. By doing so, we can express female strength and charm through a style that is both bold and feminine. During the design process, we take the everyday attire of Hong Kong women as a blueprint to consider what makes a design “unique”  from their perspective. At the same time, we have to find a balance between this uniqueness and what our consumers will deem acceptable for themselves to wear. We place a lot of attention to the small details and the way different textures work together whilst also including our brand’s signature elements to ensure we stay true to our original beliefs: everyone can carry “fashion”.

  1. How have your past experiences in costume design for film and television impacted your brand and aesthetic?
Costumes focus on ways in which you can highlight and add dimension to a character’s personality. Not only do you have to design a costume based on the show’s plotline, setting, and the character’s background, but you also have to have an in-depth understanding of the clothing style from various historical periods, positions in the modern workplace, and more. This has impacted my work process for this brand in that I am able to consider more than just my own personal preferences and feelings when I start a new design. Instead, I hope to create a refreshing, distinct image of the “female”. I often take inspiration from movies or books; just as certain film characters’ looks have proven to be timeless, I also hope that each one of my designs will also be able to withstand the test of time.

  1. The theme for CENTERSTAGE this year is “Radiant Wellness”. How do you think clothing/fashion can help one achieve a feeling of physical and spiritual satisfaction? How do you think we should take care of female bodies and souls?
Fashion satisfies our bodies and souls by strengthening our confidence and increasing our self-worth and self-acceptance. I think this feeling of contentment should be all-encompassing, taking care of our mental health, physical health, social health and more. In terms of clothing options, women grow confident by choosing outfits that showcase their personalities and style. At the same time, choosing comfortable clothes and shoes will also make us feel more at ease, confident, and beautiful. Things like exercise and social interaction can help us improve our mental health and help us stay positive too.

  1. How does Hong Kong inspire your aesthetic? How would you describe the style of Hong Kong women?
Hong Kong has a rich culture and a diverse range of styles. The blend of Chinese and Western cultures inspires me to seek moderation and find the balance between the classical and the modern, between complexity and simplicity. Take Hong Kong women, for example, they dress in a variety of ways as opposed to blindly chasing trends and losing their individuality. They value tailoring and texture, and dress simply and elegantly while pursuing comfort. They like to put more focus on accessories and details to showcase their own personalities and tastes. They are willing to try new styles while avoiding clothes that are too eccentric or dramatic, creating a tasteful look that is unique to them, the women of Hong Kong.

  1. What are your future plans for the brand
In the future, the brand’s priorities are to strengthen online and social media sales as well as to attract and maintain customers’ attention and loyalty. We are also broadening our target audience and fortifying our brand image in hopes of opening up a physical store after laying strong groundwork.