FFF (Fashion Farm Foundation) | CENTRESTAGE

Dedicated to promoting local Hong Kong fashion, non-profit organisation Fashion Farm Foundation (FFF) has been collaborating with various design schools in the region, including the Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI), and organising key fashion projects in China’s Greater Bay Area. By developing the sharing of resources between Hong Kong and other cities within the Greater Bay Area, FFF has cultivated and continues to nurture a pool of talented and innovative designers. This year the organisation presents Hong Kong designer Kevin Ho for the CENTRESTAGE EMERGING DESIGNERS showcase, shining a spotlight on the innovative tailoring and avant-garde aesthetics of his eponymous brand.


  1. What is the biggest challenge in nurturing and supporting students to create their own brands? How did you face and overcome this challenge?
The biggest challenge in supporting students to create their own brands is teaching them how to deal with the fierce competition in the fashion industry. The fashion industry is a highly competitive industry, where both new and existing brands need innovation and market insight to stay competitive. When students create brands, they need to face the challenges that come with both the local and international markets: they are required to understand their target customers and cultural differences between the markets, as well as grasp market trends to create unique designs. The Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) has always been committed to providing quality education to help students build knowledge and develop expertise, nurturing design talents to support different creative industries in Hong Kong. HKDI adheres an education policy that places an equal emphasis on thought and practice, allowing students to learn and understand market trends in the worlplace through classroom learning and work experience opportunities. The institute also actively cooperates with design schools and industries in mainland China and across the globe. We also provide students with internship and international exchange programs to broaden their horizons, enhance their innovative thinking, confidence, and social sensitivity, ultimately equipping students with the skills to face future challenges.

  1. How has Hong Kong inspire students to create? How do you enrich or discover students' uniquely inspired creations?
Hong Kong is a city with rich cultural heritage that gives students a lot of inspiration and ideas. Fashion design requires an in-depth understanding of the current social and cultural environment, and Hong Kong's diverse culture and unique urban landscape provide students with a wide range of creative materials and sources of inspiration. Moreover, Hong Kong is an international city with an array of fashion events and exhibitions, which also provide students with opportunities to connect with the international community as well as understand international fashion trends and market demands. HKDI's Higher Diploma in Fashion Design programme aims to nurture graduates and develop their ability to engage in the fashion design and product development industry. The course focuses on creative and practical training, allowing students to acquire skills in fashion design, garment pattern making, and clothing production through fashion shows, thematic exercises, design competitions, international exchange activities, and collaborations with related industry professionals and organisations. The course also features a stream in knitwear fashion design and fashion accessories design, providing students with comprehensive fashion design knowledge to meet market needs. All of these things can help students discover and enrich their inspired creations and design skills.

  1. What future development plans does the Institue have?
Regarding HKDI's future development in the Greater Bay Area, we plan to further strengthen our cooperation with design-related schools, institutions, and enterprises in the region to establish a tight-knit research community. HKDI's Department of Fashion and Image Design has already cooperated with Shenzhen Polytechnic University in 2021 to discuss and explore a new fashion design course (Greater Bay Area). The course will officially be open to applications in Hong Kong this September. Hong Kong students will have the opportunity to study in Shenzhen foraround six months to a gain a comprehensive understanding of the fashion and market culture of the two citiess. After completing the course, they will receive graduation certificates from both universities. At the same time, we will strengthen our promotion and marketing efforts in the Greater Bay Area through various forms of exhibitions, workshops, and lectures to expand our student recruitment and alumni network, and further improve our quality of teaching and research. We will nurture more high-quality professionals for the fashion and related industries in the Greater Bay Area and Hong Kong and contribute to the region's development.