athenaeum(m.) | CENTRESTAGE

What is “romance”? Perhaps every woman has her own definition, but to Maness Ko, the designer of the Hong Kong brand athenaeum(m.), romance is a state of contentment and satisfaction that runs through the body and the soul: “Having a romantic heart is what makes our lives poetic, and helps us appreciate the beauty of the world and its people.” Her soft, gentle designs embrace vulnerability and reflect our innermost needs. As one of the CENTERSTAGE EMERGING DESIGNERS this year, she lends her own twist to the theme of “Radiant Wellness”.

  1. Would you say that your design style is “romantic”? What does “romance” mean to you?
From soft materials and proportionately-balanced tailoring to fluid silhouettes that echo the female form, my designs incorporate a lot of ideas that I had when contemplating “romance”. The “romance” that I want to convey is gentle and tender, one that reflects the nuanced layers of our inner spirit — subtle, fragile, and personal.

  1. In terms of creating individual style, what do you think is the most admirable quality of modern women in Hong Kong? What needs to be improved?
I really admire the intelligence and free-spirited nature of Hong Kong women, which enables them to switch between their bold and gentle sides. At the same time, I think the area that requires the most improvement, including within myself, is our confidence. I think we can be more confident and self-loving, and I hope that we can learn to embrace each person’s unique female beauty better.

  1. What message would you want to convey through your brand?
At athenaeum(m.)’s core is a desire to uphold an all-encompassing, poetic worldview, awakening the city-dweller's gentle side “to reconstruct modern romance and artistry within poetry”. We hope to build an immaculate closet for the modern woman, to add a bit of romance and freedom to one’s life, and embrace each woman’s unique beauty with love.

  1. The theme for CENTERSTAGE this year is “Radiant Wellness”. How do you think clothing/fashion can help one achieve a feeling of physical and spiritual satisfaction? Do you believe that having a “romantic” heart makes life easier?
People shine when they are able to express their most comfortable and authentic selves through their clothing. Having a romantic heart is what makes our lives poetic, and helps us appreciate the beauty of the world and its people.

  1. How does Hong Kong inspire your aesthetic? Which parts of Hong Kong culture and history inspire you the most?
Hong Kong is a modern city that contains a variety of cultures. The combination of East and West in history has allowed me to come in contact with a range of contrasting yet miraculously intertwined cultures growing up, so I naturally mesh my favourite elements together in my designs. From the vibrance and subtlety of the East to the daring contours and charm of the West, I want to create a new perspective unique to Hong Kong.

  1. What are your future plans for the brand?
In the past few years, we have placed our focus on Hong Kong, Taipei, Tokyo, Seoul, etcetera, where we have received some positive feedback and achievements. In the future, apart from continuing to develop in Asian cities, we will also try to collaborate with European and American sellers to broaden our brand’s reach and make ourselves more known to women all around the world. We also intend on hosting activities like a pop-up store or an exhibition to reach more customers as well as spread our brand’s message of “self love” in different ways.