Programme (2019)

20 March 2019 (Wednesday)
09:30 - 09:40
Welcome Remarks:
Opening Remarks:
  • Dr Bernard Chan, JP
    Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China
09:40 - 12:30
Dear Brands, Let’s Sail to the Future!
On your marks – get set – and march to the future of marketing! And competition is intense so there"s no room for complacency!

In this session journeying into a new era of branding, leading Chief Marketing Officers share tricks and tips on how they keep ahead of the pack with innovative campaigns embracing global trends, and – reveal how future marketers should story-tell and enhance brand experiences.
  • Ms Bozoma Saint John
    Chief Marketing Officer, Endeavor
    Former Chief Brand Officer, Uber
    Former Head of Global Consumer Marketing, iTunes & Apple Music
    Former Head of Music & Entertainment Marketing, PepsiCo
  • Dr Marcelo Pascoa
    Head of Global Brand Marketing, Burger King
  • Mr Juno Mak
    Creator, Kudos Films Ltd.
    Creator, Imagine.Nation Entertainment Ltd.
    Creator, Chapel of Dawn Co. Ltd.
[15 mins coffee break]
  • Mr Jonathan Mildenhall
    Co-Founder & CEO, TwentyFirstCenturyBrand
    Former Chief Marketing Officer, Airbnb
    Former Vice President of Global Advertising Strategy and Creative Excellence , The Coca-Cola Company
  • Mr Keiei Sho
    Executive Officer, General Manager of Overseas Business Division, Calbee, Inc.
  • Mrs Michelle Cordeiro Grant
    Founder and CEO, LIVELY
11:15 - 12:30
Agencies in the Era of Transformation
Revolution is in the air as we find ourselves amid a pivotal age of transformation. In response to the rapidly-changing consumer behaviour and cutting-edge technology which are shaping the future of marketing, business models, brands and corporations alike have to transform and embrace the challenges and opportunities.

And on the front-line of this new marketing battleground are agencies. What does the future hold for them? What exciting new direction is their creativity heading? In this session, legendary advertising figures look into a crystal bowl to predict the destiny of creatives – telling their stories and examining the challenges.
12:30 - 12:45
Coffee Break
12:45 - 13:45
Have Your Say!
Stay hungry, stay curious and stay young! This dialogue session is open to the floor!

Marketers of all generations are invited to share their ideas and insights on hottest marketing trends, strategies targeting the young generation and how young minds are key to the future of marketing and advertising – understanding how popular culture is driving the industry like never before.
  • Mr Richard Juan
    TV and online personality, model, actor and host ,  
  • Mr Tommy Ng
    Assistant Art Director, Grey Group Hong Kong
  • Ms Starry Lam
    Junior Copywriter, Grey Group Hong Kong
  • Ms Ching Ling Chong
    Art Director, Havas Hong Kong
  • Ms Patty Tang
    Assistant Art Director, Havas Hong Kong
  • Ms Venus Li
    Art Director, Leo Burnett Hong Kong
  • Ms Cyan Cheng
    Copywriter, Leo Burnett Hong Kong
*The session will be conducted in Cantonese without SI service
14:00 - 14:40
Screen Integration Marketing: The Winning Formula For Tapping Into China Market
Digital Marketing Workshop
Discover the most up-to-date Digital Marketing Trends in China in 2019, covering the Digital Market Landscape from three perspectives (Brand marketers, Chinese netizens & Media); The workshop will further go into the current challenges and opportunities for Digital Marketers, i.e. “No More Traffic Bonus” and “The New Trend of Fragmented users’ Consumption Path”. Practical solutions and case study will also be provided to illustrate how to win the market through integrated channels in 2019.

By leveraging the big data mining on 800 millions netizens, it helps marketers better position their brands and zoom in on target customers by formulating precise marketing strategies with integrated marketing tools and channels. Through 800 millions demographic labels, clients’ advertisements will be deployed efficiently at their target audiences, unleashing unlimited impact on the market.
Sponsored by:
  • Mr Remy Wong Mr Remy Wong
    Director of Business Development & Operation, 360 International Advertising Unit
  • Mr Ivan Leung Mr Ivan Leung
    Account Director, Aloha Group Limited
14:15 - 15:35
Say Hi to the Cool China Gen Z
It’s a new tech-savvy, connected generation that has come of age and is on the move traveling the world – Generation Z. They also have money to spend and are the future of consumption power, so winning their hearts and minds is a key challenge facing marketers today.

Our panel of CMOs of popular brands and leading agencies share latest insights on engaging this modern Chinese age-group unlike any generation before.
  • Prof Andrew Chan, SBS, JP
    Executive Associate Dean (MBA) & Co-Director of Executive MBA Programme of the CUHK Business School, Head of Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Mr Jude Chan Mr Jude Chan
    Head of Digital & Innovation, Zenith China, Publicis Groupe
  • Mr Fu Peng Mr Fu Peng
    Director of International Business Department, JiangXiaoBai
  • Ms Li Hui
    Partner, Shanghai Yitiao Network Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Mr Fu Yudong
    General Manager of South China Marketing Centre, Ocean Engine
14:15 - 15:35
Social Branding – Growing Customer Loyalty & A Better World
With the rise of socially-conscious consumers, brands are always being asked about how their businesses are contributing to the societies. And consumers expect business, commerce and industry to share their concerns– or be spurned.

Our panel of brand leaders and PR agencies shares insights, strategies and tips on how responsible, sustainable business practice enhances customer loyalty and contributes to brand success.
  • Dr Shih-chia Wu
    Professional Consultant, School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
14:40 - 15:20
The Power of Data: A Digital Marketing Formula – Mapping Out How to Win in China
Digital Marketing Workshop
Chinese shoppers are the living heartbeat of the modern travel retail industry worldwide. They represent a vast and rapidly-growing market that every marketer wants to tap into. In this session, we’ll discuss the key advantages of adopting a data-driven multichannel marketing strategy designed for marketing and media executives seeking to learn more about the various channels to reach Chinese outbound travellers. Together with Baidu International, we will unveil the key findings of our Chinese Outbound Travel Shopper Whitepaper, and share the real challenges and best practices when it comes to entering the lucrative China market.
Sponsored by:
15:20 - 16:00
How Augmented Intelligence (A.I.) Assist Influencer Marketing Campaign Management and Amplify the Brand Affinity?
Digital Marketing Workshop
Influencer marketing is an important pillar of many marketing strategies amid the social media boom in the new digital and mobile arena. Influencers are vital because they introduce the powerful human element of personal, expert and word-of-mouth recommendations to brand messaging.

But some influencers are more influential than others – and it’s crucial to identify those who are most relevant and effective. Various tools to measure the return on investment (ROI) can optimise campaign strategic planning and management which help to drive successful brand community building. This session explains how latest A.I. technology helps to identify the best portfolio of influencer marketing that fits brand affinity and genuinely drives engagement with consumers.
Sponsored by:
15:35 - 15:50
Coffee Break
15:50 - 17:10
eSports: The ‘Next BigThing’ in Marketing
If you didn’t realise that gaming is already bigger than the film and music industries combined, you must have blinked. And after conquering the entertainment industry, the phenomenon is now clicking mainstream into sport – otherwise known as eSport – with nearly 500 million fans predicted by 2020.

This panel of major stakeholders in the eSports industry – representing leading international tournaments, sponsors and consultants – explain exactly why it is the ‘next big thing’ in modern marketing, and why global brands are racing to tap the opportunities it presents.
15:50 - 17:10
Data: New Currency for All (Consumers & Brands)
The power of data unleashed by machine learning has completely transformed modern marketing. Recently, we have seen a shift in the balance of data leverage between brands and consumers. There are also regulatory changes which are aiming to give more control back to the consumers. Join our session to learn how the new era of data privacy and data control would impact brands, publishers and consumers.
In association with:
  • Mr Andy Ann
    Founder and CEO, NDN Group
  • Mr Derek Kwok
    Head of Google Marketing Platform, Greater China & Korea, Google
  • Mr Michael Lim
    Deputy General Manager, Marketing, HK Express
  • Ms Simois Ng
    Head of Marketing Communications, Sony Hong Kong
  • Mrs Claire Stern
    Senior Manager, Website & eCommerce, AXA China Region Insurance Company Limited
16:00 - 16:30
How to Win on Video and Search Engine Marketing
Digital Marketing Workshop
What do your consumers really care about? What are the top trends we"re seeing in the market for video and search? And how do you ensure you stay top of mind for consumers? This session will cover ways to stay innovative in video and search marketing and the latest we"re seeing in digital marketing.
16:30 - 17:00
How to Market via LinkedIn
Digital Marketing Workshop
Learn how your business can engage with its most valuable audiences by leveraging the full potential of LinkedIn Pages. At the same time, learn how to make the best professional impression on LinkedIn with tips and tricks on how to “rock” your individual profile.
  • Mr Gregory Chang Mr Gregory Chang
    Head of Online Sales, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions, Greater China, LinkedIn
17:15 - 18:15
Happy Hour
FULL DAY EXPO on marketing solutions & business matching meetings

* Simultaneous interpretation (SI) in English, Putonghua and Japanese will be provided, except for -

  • Have Your Say!, which will be conducted in Cantonese without SI service;
  • Digital Marketing Workshops, which will be supported by SI in English and Putonghua only.
*Information is subject to change without prior notice.