Business of IP Asia Forum - Video Gallery
Business of IP Asia Forum: Hong Kong “Central in IP Protection”
Hong Kong is central for intellectual property (IP) protection as it positions itself as an innovation city, said Benjamin Bai of online firm Ant Financial, speaking beside Business of IP Asia Forum 2018. Antony Taubman, Director of the World Trade Organization’s IP Division said the Forum is a landmark event and iconic in charting the interplay of IP and international trade.
04:22 6-7 December 2018
Asia IP Exchange: Asia's Largest International Online IP Portal
Developed and managed by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), Asia IP Exchange (AsiaIPEX) is a free online platform and database showcasing intellectual properties around the globe, aiming to facilitate international IP trade and connection to global IP players. The database includes more than 28,000 IP projects from more than 35 partners from different parts of the world. Asia IP Exchange:
02:05 6-7 December 2018
IP & Innovation: Propelling Change, Growth and Connectivity
Jointly organised by the HKSAR Government, Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Hong Kong Design Centre, BIP Asia Forum brings IP professionals and business leaders from all over the world to discuss the latest developments in the IP world, and to explore business collaboration opportunities. The seventh edition of the Forum was held on 7-8 December 2017 with great success, featuring over 80 prominent speakers sharing their insights and attracted more than 2,500 IP professionals and industry leaders to attend. The next edition will return on 6-7 December 2018. Mark your diary now!
05:33 7-8 December 2017
BIP Asia 2016 Highlight – IP in the Innovation Era
More than 2,500 intellectual property (IP) professionals, businesses and officials gathered in Hong Kong for the Business of IP Asia forum on 1-2 December 2016. Organised by the Hong Kong SAR Government, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Hong Kong Design Centre, the event gave companies the chance to take advantage of opportunities across the region through networking with the IP industry’s biggest players.
04:12 1-2 December 2016
Success Story of Intellectual Property Trading – Maggiology
The Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Intellectual Property Department jointly produced a series of six videos on to promote intellectual property trading. Success Story – Maggiology: Cartoonist Maggiology Company website:
01:30 6 December 2016
Success Story of Intellectual Property Trading – NASK
The Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Intellectual Property Department jointly produced a series of six videos on to promote intellectual property trading. Success Story – NASK: Ms Sarinda Kwok, Director, Profit Royal Pharmaceutical Limited Company website:
01:30 6 December 2016
Success Story of Intellectual Property Trading – Well Being Digital
The Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Intellectual Property Department jointly produced a series of six videos on to promote intellectual property trading. Success Story – Well Being Digital: Mr Kow Ping, Director and Co-founder, Well Being Digital Limited
01:30 6 December 2016
Success Story of Intellectual Property Trading – Memorigin
The Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Intellectual Property Department jointly produced a series of six videos on to promote intellectual property trading. Success Story – Memorigin: Mr William Shum, Founder & CEO Memorigin Watch Company Limited Company website:
01:30 6 December 2016
Success Story of Intellectual Property Trading – Chiilaku
The Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Intellectual Property Department jointly produced a series of six videos on to promote intellectual property trading. Success Story – Chiilaku: Mr Cyril Chan, Managing Director, Chiilaku Limited Company website:
01:30 9 November 2016
Success Story of Intellectual Property Trading – Vitargent
The Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Intellectual Property Department jointly produced a series of six videos on to promote intellectual property trading. Success Story – Vitargent: Mr Jimmy Tao, Managing Director & CEO, Vitargent International Holdings Limited Company website:
01:30 9 November 2016
BIP Asia 2015 Growing with Asia
More than 2,400 intellectual property (IP) professionals, businesses and officials gathered in Hong Kong for the Business of IP Asia forum on 3-4 December 2015. Organised by the Hong Kong SAR Government, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Hong Kong Design Centre, the event gave companies the chance to take advantage of opportunities across the region through networking with the IP industry’s biggest players.
03:37 3-4 December 2015
BIP Asia 2014 Rises with Regional IP Prowess
Some 2,000 people attended Asia’s premier annual event for the intellectual property (IP) sector on 4-5 December 2014 in Hong Kong. The event – organised by the city’s government, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Hong Kong Design Centre – has tripled in size since it was first held in 2011, expanding to feature an exhibition along with a range of talks and seminars relevant to industry players. Speaker: Kelvin King Senior Partner, Valuation Consulting
03:26 26 January 2015
Tapping into the Licensing Opportunities in Asia
Licensing is a type of intellectual property trading, helping extend brands to various products and services. Licensing also supports manufacturers and retailers to move up the value chain, creating opportunities for services sectors such as legal, design and marketing. Visited by the Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development, Mr Gregory So, the 13th Hong Kong International Licensing Show featured over 310 exhibitors representing more than 800 brands and properties from 18 countries and regions.
08:35 23 February 2015
Asia's IP Services Innovator
Hong Kong is Asia's centre for Intellectual property (IP) services, with world-class legal expertise, IP agents, marketers, and international arbitrators. Speaker: GUY PROULX CHAIRMAN & CEO TRANSPACIFIC IP
02:19 17 July 2014
How Hong Kong Helps Manage Your IP
Elise Tchen-Thebault Chief Executive Officer Parrot Asia Pacific Benny Kong Senior Partner Benny Kong and Yeung Solicitors Raymond Yip Assistant Executive Director, Hong Kong Trade Development Council Learn more from HKTDC: Asia IP Exchange: Parrot: Benny Kong and Yeung Solicitors:
02:36 17 July 2014
Medical Elastic Tape Commercialised via IP Trading (Chinese version only)
04:04 24 November 2014
Hong Kong Hosts World IP Event 2014
HKTDC and the Intellectual Property Department of the HKSAR Government hosted a reception for about 1,200 leading IP figures on 10 May 2014 to mark the start of Asia’s first-ever annual meeting of the International Trademark Association (INTA). The world’s major IP event, which lasted until 14 May, chose Hong Kong because it was the perfect spot to bring the entire world trademark community together, said INTA President, Mei-lan Stark.
03:33 10 May 2014
知產交易 創造雙贏 (Chinese version only)
對於資源有限的中小企而言,借助授權發展業務的運作模式值得借鑒。近月,香港科學館舉­辦的香港最大型恐龍展——「巨龍傳奇」反響熱烈,吸引一衆市民前往展覽大玩體感互動游­戲。其實,「巨龍傳奇」的背後,是一次本地企業成功借助專利技術授權拓展業務的嘗試。 由香港特別行政區政府、香港貿發局及香港設計中心合辦的「亞洲知識産權營商論壇」,爲­世界各地知識産權業的專業人士和商家提供平臺,就知識産權的最新發展互相交流;爲中小­企轉型升級提供新思路。 香港貿發局: 香港貿發局經貿研究——服務行業: 香港授權業:
00:31 10 March 2014
Driving the New Economy: BIP Asia 2013
More than 1,700 professionals from the intellectual property (IP) industry gathered in Hong Kong for the Business of IP Asia Forum on 5-6 December 2013. Under the theme "IP: Driving the New Economy" - the event organised by the Hong Kong SAR Government, HKTDC and the Hong Kong Design Centre included discussions on corporate IP strategies and IP trading opportunities, as well as an enhanced online portal which promotes Hong Kong as an IP trading hub.
04:13 18 December 2013
The Business of IP Asia: Hong Kong's BIP Asia 2012
Hong Kong's growing role in the intellectual property (IP) industry has been underscored by the Business of IP Asia Forum. Organised by the HKTDC and Hong Kong Design Centre - the 7 December 2012 event drew more than 1,400 professionals and government officials from 23 countries and regions -- double the attendance at the debut event last year -- for discussions focused on the promise of across Asia including on the Chinese mainland. Speakers: Gregoire Bisson Head, International Designs Registry, WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) Wolf Meier-Ewert Intellectual Property Division, WTO Jesper Kongstad Director General and CEO Danish Patent and Trademark Office Dean Becker CEO, ICAP Patent Brokerage LLC Q Todd Dickinson American Intellectual Property Law Association
05:12 27 March 2013
亞洲IP增長超歐洲 (Chinese version only)
第二屆「亞洲知識產權營商論壇」在香港會議展覽中心舉行。論壇凝聚來自21個國家和地­區超過1,400位業界精英、商界代表及知識產權服務用家,人數較去年增加近一倍。世­界知識產權組織海牙注冊處品牌及設計部總監Grégoire Bisson表示:「過去十年,全球商標及設計專利注冊數目不斷增加,當中以亞洲地區­的增長最顯著。2010年,亞洲的商標注冊數量佔全球比例41.1%,以全球工業設計­注冊數目來說,更達到81.8%,足見亞洲在環球知識產權貿易佔舉足輕重的地位。」安­踏的張濤希望中小企善用香港平臺,他指出, 香港在IP交易有雄厚的基礎,在知識產權管理方面有很完善的法制和法律,並且交易費用­也是最低的。
03:42 17 December 2012
知識產權管理:企業爭勝之道 (Chinese version only)
在現今的經濟體系內,客戶不單追求優良產品而已,企業要將技術、創意概念,融入品牌之­內,為產品增值。如何作合適的知識產權管理,遂成為中小企成敗的關鍵。香港工業總會知­識產權中心經理劉帥賢博士,向中小企詳述知識產權管理中常見問題,如專利、商標及版權­等。 香港工業總會知識產權中心: 香港貿發局中小企服務中心:
09:14 03 March 2012
BIP Asia: The Business of IP in Hong Kong
Intellectual property (IP) was the focus at a new Hong Kong event which attracted more than 700 businesses and professionals from around the world. The inaugural Business of Intellectual Property Asia Forum (BIP Asia) on 2 December 2011 is already earning praise for its focus on IP trade. Related links: Inno Design Tech Expo: World SME Expo:
03:58 06 Decemeber 2011
Asia's IP First Mover
The next five years will be crucial in the development of Asia's intellectual property trade, according to the CEO of IP merchant bank Ocean Tomo James Malackowski. He explains why the opportunity to be Asia's IP central market is Hong Kong's to capture. Related Links: HKTDC Inno Design Tech Expo: World SME Expo:
06:26 18 November 2011
衝上雲端(Chinese version only)
幻音數碼由香港科技大學三位教授創立,公司著力拓展知識產權和專利研究。由創立至今只­有十年,就發展為僱用多達三百多人的上市公司,每年營業額高達五至六億元,專利費則逾­二千萬元。 主席及創辦人廖家俊博士指出,香港電子產品都是軟件和硬件的揉合體,在拓展知識產權方­面,具有龐大的發展前景。他深信,香港在拓展知識產權的努力,最終都能得到世界的認同­。 設計及創新科技博覽: 國際中小企博覽: 幻音數碼:
02:57 16 November 2011
善用知識產權開拓創意商機 (Chinese version only)
創業者要從眾多競爭對手中突圍而出,創意新思維以及勇於嘗試的冒險家精神必不可少。 由香港貿易發展局於日前舉辦之中小企創業工作坊:「創意變生意」上,蔡漢成博士分享其­創業歷程,以及如何利用知識產權成功開拓內地市場。
10:42 21 October 2011
Technology with a Bite
Fossils leap to life thanks to innovative augmented reality technology unveiled by Sengital Ltd at the Hong Kong Science Museum. Building an intellectual property (IP) portfolio is key for the R&D-focused firm, which acquired a patent for the technology from local partner ASTRI. Speaker: Dr Alan Lam, CEO, Sengital Ltd
03:32 22 November 2013
Fibretronic: Hot Technology
Hong Kong-based Fibretronic is leading the way in smartwear innovation. CEO Steve Leftly explains how the company stays ahead of the competition by having a strong IP strategy. Mr Leftly will be a featured speaker at the Business of IP Asia Forum, to be held, 5-6 December 2013, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Speakers: Steve Leftly, CEO, Fibretronic
03:40 6 November 2013
Reach for the Crowds: BIP Asia 2012
Online crowd sourcing platforms connect brand names with designers around the world. They’ve been said to help companies stay ahead of the curve. The Business of IP Asia Forum in Hong Kong heard from a major Chinese sportswear company and a US crowd sourcing platform on how the business of international design is changing. Speakers: Zhang Tao Vice President, ANTA Sports Products Limited Brian Bednarek Chief Executive Officer, Mesh01
03:23 19 December 2012
Watertight Business
Hong Kong’s intellectual property (IP) expertise is helping Hong Kong inventor William Yim seal a position as world leader in the production of waterproof camera cases. The Hong Kong-made adjustable cases are a hit with divers, but also a target for imitators – a threat the company fends off with strong patents and IP safeguards. Speaker: William Yim, President, Zear Corporation Limited
04:17 03 December 2012
IP Pipeline
A drainage pipe invented in Hong Kong that keeps itself clear from blockage is poised to become an internationally traded product thanks to the services of one of Asia’s leading intellectual property specialist. The case illustrates how Transpacific IP Ltd is helping small and medium-sized companies secure patents and trademarks and broker deals with their IP assets. Speaker: Billy Lam, Vice President, Business Development, Transpacific IP Group Limited
03:22 27 November 2012
P Home: Hong Kong as CPA Global's Asia Base
Hong Kong's growing role as an intellectual property (IP) trading hub has been underscored by the recent expansion of CPA Global's presence in the city. The Jersey-based specialist in IP management and legal services outsourcing, has deepened its commitment with the 26 October launch of a larger Asian headquarters in Hong Kong -- and with support for the upcoming Business of IP Asia forum. Speakers: Peter Sewell, Chief Executive Officer, CPA Global; Joanne Hon, Senior Vice President, Head of Sales Asia Pacific, CPA Global
05:09 14 November 2012
Cracking the IP Code: BIP Asia 2012
Intellectual property (IP) protection is a major concern for any company hoping to tap into the vast and rapidly expanding mainland Chinese market. The benefits, and pitfalls, of cracking the market was one of the main topics of discussion at the Business of IP Forum held in Hong Kong in December. Speakers: Bianca Lee Managing Director, Greater China, SE Asia & India, Warner Bros Consumer Products, Warner Bros (F.E.) Inc. Robert Aronoff Managing Partner, Pluritas LLC
02:59 19 December 2012