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7 Jan (Day 1)
8 Jan (Day 2)
7 Jan (Day 1)
7 January 2019 (Monday) - Day 1
Opening Session
09:00 – 09:30
Meeting Room N201

Tea Reception & Registration

09:30 – 09:45
Meeting Room N201

Opening Session

Welcome Remarks

Opening Remarks

Plenary Session (I)
09:45 – 11:00
Meeting Room N201

Asia: Gold Mine in Licensing

Asia is striking gold in licensing - proven by the region’s annual growth of 5.84% on the retail sales of licensed products in 2017, which was 2.5% higher than the global average. While the rise of middle-income population has provided the region with affluent and brand-seeking consumers, the rapid development of Emerging Asia will further accelerate Asia’s market growth. This is pulling the trigger for the gold rush of all brands in the region. Nonetheless, brands are not facing no challenges in tapping Asia, which is composed of countries with different culture and economic development. Top global licensors and top global licensing agent will uncover the new market trend of Asia, analyse the key issues and share their successful formulas in tapping the Asian market.


Panel Chair

  • Ms Maura Regan
    President, International Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association (LIMA)
11:00 – 11:15

Coffee Break

Plenary Session (II)
11:15 – 12:30
Meeting Room N201

Unleash the Potential of China's Licensing Market

The Mainland China has topped the world in the growth of licensing, with a 10.3% year-on-year increase in the retail sales of licensed products in 2017. Added to that is the impressive global market performance of the country in many other aspects, including having the largest internet population, the highest mobile internet penetration, the largest e-commerce market, the highest number of esports users and the second largest film market. The gigantic Mainland market attracts not only foreign brands, but is also enticing to local players, who seek to create their homegrown IPs and join the bandwagon to capitalise on the extensive licensing opportunities. Leaders from technology, film, animation and creative industries of the Mainland China will discuss the huge licensing opportunities of the market and their successes in transforming content and characters to popular IPs.


  • Ms Jane Yun
    Director, Interactive Entertainment Marketing Department, Tencent
    Brand Responsible Person, Tencent E-sports
  • Mr Allen Wang
    Vice President, Consumer Products, Greater China, Universal Pictures
  • Ms Zirui Ao
    Co-Founder, YI JIAN YU ZHOU (Beijing) Culture Co., Ltd
  • Mr Gordon Chin
    CEO, Asia Animation Ltd

Panel Chair

  • Mr Figo Yu
    Partner, Magic Bean VC
    Co-founder, Dream Castle
Thematic Session (I)
14:30 – 16:00
Meeting Room N201

Esports: New Licensing Spotlights

Esports is booming worldwide, expecting to reach US$1.5 billion by 2020. Asia, with the Mainland China in particular, is the growth engine for esports. Mainland had the largest number of esports users and ranked the second in esports-generated revenue in 2017. Furthermore, esports was introduced as a demonstration sport at the 18th Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games this year and will become an official medal sport in the 19th Asian Games at Hangzhou, China in 2022. The emergence of esports, including game-publishing, merchandising, tournament and its media broadcasting, advertising and sponsorship, totally relies on the creations, distributions and uses of the licenses and IPs of the games and leagues in concern. In this session, pioneering market leaders will share the latest esports development in Asia and the immense opportunities arising from the wide application of licenses and IPs of games and leagues.

Welcome Remarks


  • Mr Jai Wu
    Head of LPL Merchandise & Licensing, Riot Games China
  • Mr Eric Jou
    APAC Business Development and Partnerships, ESL Gaming

Panel Chair

Concurrent session
DTR (Direct-to-Retail) Talk
Meeting Room N205

Direct-To-Retail (DTR) occurs when a licensing agreement specifies the retailer as the licensee and distributor of the licensed merchandise. Retailers are keen to use DTR to stay competitive in the market and increase profit margins. Licensors are also open to DTR for shortening the time-to-market and gathering direct consumer feedback for their licensed merchandise. In DTR Talk, successful retailers in Asia will be invited to share their IP sourcing needs and requirement for licensing co-operations, as well as their successful licensing experiences in the region.

Licensee Dialogue
Meeting Room N209

With the broadened IP varieties and the increasing crossover promotions nowadays, branded merchandises and service consumptions have become part of our everyday lives. Hence, instead of only working with manufacturers, many licensors have also extended their licensing cooperation with licensees of different service sectors, including food & beverage, gaming, movies, education, theme parks and resorts, etc. “Licensee Dialogue” will invite successful licensees from different sectors in Asia to share their ground-breaking applications of IPs and crossover promotions with brands.

16:00 - 16:45
DTR (Direct-to-Retail) Talk - 
Session (I)


Licensee Dialogue - 
Session (I)


16:45 - 17:30
DTR (Direct-to-Retail) Talk - 
Session (II)


Licensee Dialogue - 
Session (II)


  • Ms Shi Yan
    Vice General Manager, Children's Fun Publishing Co., Ltd

Information updated as of 4 January 2019

* The above programme is subject to change without prior notice.

8 Jan (Day 2)
8 January 2019 (Tuesday) - Day 2
Thematic Session (II)
09:45 – 11:15
Meeting Room N206

New Landscape in Content Licensing

The proliferation of content licenses is amplified by the growth of internet and digitisation of information. Content created from books, paintings, videos, games and mobile apps have transformed into new forms of IPs, snatching the pre-dominating market share of cartoon characters in licensing. Licensing applications of content-based IPs could be extremely wide and innovative, exciting the world with more diverse and unique cross-sector and cross-border collaborations. Leading content-based IP owners will share their secrets for success and unveil the untapped opportunities of Content Licensing.


Panel Chair

  • Ms Maura Regan
    President, International Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association (LIMA)
Concurrent session
DTR (Direct-to-Retail) Talk
Meeting Room N205

Direct-To-Retail (DTR) occurs when a licensing agreement specifies the retailer as the licensee and distributor of the licensed merchandise. Retailers are keen to use DTR to stay competitive in the market and increase profit margins. Licensors are also open to DTR for shortening the time-to-market and gathering direct consumer feedback for their licensed merchandise. In DTR Talk, successful retailers in Asia will be invited to share their IP sourcing needs and requirement for licensing co-operations, as well as their successful licensing experiences in the region.

Licensee Dialogue
Meeting Room N209

With the broadened IP varieties and the increasing crossover promotions nowadays, branded merchandises and service consumptions have become part of our everyday lives. Hence, instead of only working with manufacturers, many licensors have also extended their licensing cooperation with licensees of different service sectors, including food & beverage, gaming, movies, education, theme parks and resorts, etc. “Licensee Dialogue” will invite successful licensees from different sectors in Asia to share their ground-breaking applications of IPs and crossover promotions with brands.

09:30 - 10:15
DTR (Direct-to-Retail) Talk - 
Session (III)


  • Mr Yukio Hirami
    Company Executive, StylingLife Holdings Inc. PLAZASTYLE COMPANY
Licensee Dialogue - 
Session (III)


  • Mr White Bai
    Functional Milk Brand Director, Room Temperature Milk Market Management Center of Mengniu Group
10:15 - 11:00
DTR (Direct-to-Retail) Talk - 
Session (IV)


Licensee Dialogue - 
Session (IV)


Licensing Workshop
14:30 – 16:00
Meeting Room N206

Legal and Intellectual Property Issues of Licensing

Legal professionals and experts with rich experience in the Asian market (in particular the Mainland China) would share the IP protections and contractual issues in handling the mushrooming entertainment, content and digital IPs with live case illustrations.


Panel Chair

  • Ms Anita Leung
    Past President and Council Member, Licensing Executives Society China (Hong Kong Sub-Chapter)
Concurrent session
DTR (Direct-to-Retail) Talk
Meeting Room N205

Direct-To-Retail (DTR) occurs when a licensing agreement specifies the retailer as the licensee and distributor of the licensed merchandise. Retailers are keen to use DTR to stay competitive in the market and increase profit margins. Licensors are also open to DTR for shortening the time-to-market and gathering direct consumer feedback for their licensed merchandise. In DTR Talk, successful retailers in Asia will be invited to share their IP sourcing needs and requirement for licensing co-operations, as well as their successful licensing experiences in the region.

Licensee Dialogue
Meeting Room N209

With the broadened IP varieties and the increasing crossover promotions nowadays, branded merchandises and service consumptions have become part of our everyday lives. Hence, instead of only working with manufacturers, many licensors have also extended their licensing cooperation with licensees of different service sectors, including food & beverage, gaming, movies, education, theme parks and resorts, etc. “Licensee Dialogue” will invite successful licensees from different sectors in Asia to share their ground-breaking applications of IPs and crossover promotions with brands.

14:30 - 15:15
DTR (Direct-to-Retail) Talk - 
Session (V)


Licensee Dialogue - 
Session (V)


15:15 - 16:00
DTR (Direct-to-Retail) Talk - 
Session (VI)


Licensee Dialogue - 
Session (VI)


Information updated as of 4 January 2019

* The above programme is subject to change without prior notice.