用於高功率電子的浸沒式冷卻解決方案 | 消費電子產品
展位編號: 3C-C03 | 創意科技及智慧城市 |

The rise of the big data era increases the demand for high-power electronic systems such as IoT, cloud servers, 5G telecommunication, etc. These electronic systems generate a large amount of heat during operations, which requires a more effective thermal management solution. Immersion cooling is a type of liquid cooling dissipating the heat from the power system through direct contact with liquid. NAMI has developed a series of liquid coolants for immersion cooling, including single-phase and two-phase coolant for high-power electronic applications.

Major Benefits

  • High thermal conductivity 
  • High specific heat capacity/ latent heat
  • Low density

Application Areas

  • 5G and edge computing
  • Cloud and enterprise data center
  • AI and machine learning
  • High-frequency trading