Environmental Analysis | 質量檢驗,合規與測試服務
展位編號: 3CON-013 | 測檢及認證服務

 Water is the essence of life and we place great emphasis on the quality of water through STC extensive water quality testing services. Acquiring HOKLAS accreditation for tap water, drinking water, cooling tower water testing and more, our environmental analysis team can identify chemical, physical and microbiological parameters with reference to WHO, BP and GB standards to ensure safety compliance.

Additionally, the emission of hazardous substances into the air such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde have also become an increasing concern for public health. STC’s experienced chemists and state-of-the-art VOCs chambers can access and detect even trace amounts of hazardous substances in building materials, furniture, and home decorations. 

Our Environmental Surveillance & Analysis services include:

Drinking Water

  • Heavy metal analysis (e.g. lead, cadmium, chromium, nickel, copper, antimony, etc.) WHO standards, WSD Circular Letter
  • Purified water in containers (BP 2017, GB 5749, GB 8537, FDA, etc.)
  • Water Filter Performance Testing
  • Radioactivity Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality (2007 ed.)

Purified Water

  • Water for Analytical Laboratory Use (ISO 3696)

Quality Water Supply Schemes for Buildings – Fresh Water (Plus)

  • Chemical and Microbial testing (e.g. iron, colour, conductivity, pH value, turbidity; coliform organisms, E. coli)
  • Heavy metals (e.g. lead, cadmium, chromium, nickel)

Guidelines on Cleansing & Disinfection of Fresh Water Inside Service

  • Chemical testing (e.g. colour, conductivity, pH value, turbidity, free residual chlorine)
  • Microbial testing (e.g. count of E. coli, heterotrophic plate count)

Waste Water & Cooling Tower Water

  • Chemical analysis (e.g. BOD5, COD, Odor, Oil and grease content, SV30, etc.)
  • Metal content (e.g. lead, cadmium, chromium, nickel)
  • Microbial testing (e.g. coliform organisms, E. coli, fecal coliforms, Heterotrophic plate count, Legionellapneumophila, etc.)

Air Quality

  • Microbial quality testing (e.g. particle count, airborne bacteria, yeast and mould count, etc.)
  • Volatile Organic Compounds VOCs (e.g. dichloromethane, methylethyl ketone (MEK), toluene, benzene, etc.)
  • Formaldehyde Compliance (ASTM D5582, ASTM D6007, ASTM E1333, CARB/EPA TSCA Title VI, EN717-3, EN120)

Plastic Testing

  • Identification and Conditioning testing
  • Chemical analysis (e.g. bis-phenol A, PAHs, phthalates, etc.)

Metal Testing

  • Alloy Composition Testing
  • Corrosion Testing (e.g. salt spray, etc.)
  • Nickel Release
  • Metal Impurity

If you have any further question, please feel free contact us or visit our website: https://www.stc.group/en/contact