Product Inspection - Gift & Toy | 质量检验,合规与测试服务
Product Inspection - Gift & Toy
展位编号: 3CON-006 | 测检及认证服务

Product Inspections and Product Testing

Being a key element of quality control, Product Inspections allow you to verify product quality on site at different stages of the production process and prior to its dispatch. Inspecting your product before it leaves the manufacturer’s premises is an effective way of preventing quality problems and supply chain disruptions further down the line.

QIMA inspectors check your product against your chosen specifications to meet a range of requirements including passing international standards of your destination market. With the use of inspection checklists that you can select online and tailor to your needs, your quality control process can be standardized, and key quality concerns communicated to all parties involved in the inspection.

QIMA product inspections can be conducted at all stages of the manufacturing process:

  • IPC – Initial Production Check
  • DUPRO – During Production Inspection
  • PSI – Pre-Shipment Inspection
  • CLC – Container Loading Check
  • PM – Production Monitoring
  • PEO (Previo en Origen) – Pre-Customs Clearance Inspection

Why Get a Product Inspection?

  • Ensure product quality at every production stage
  • Verify quality at the source and don’t pay for defective goods
  • Avoid recalls and reputational damage
  • Anticipate production and shipment delays
  • Optimize your quality control budget


  • All-inclusive pricing for inspections
  • An inspector onsite within 48 hours
  • Same day inspection reports
  • Easy online scheduling of services
  • Detailed dashboard of quality trends, accessible in real time

About QIMA

QIMA is a leading provider of supply chain compliance solutions, that partners with brands, retailers and importers to secure, manage and optimize their global supply network. 

QIMA has on-the-ground presence in 85 countries, combining industry-leading experts for onsite inspections, supplier audits and lab testing with a digital platform that brings accuracy, transparency and intelligence for quality and compliance data. 

For all our clients in 120 countries who use the QIMA platform and benefit from 24/7 support in over 20 languages, QIMA is Your Eyes in the Supply Chain™.