World-Class Logistics and Maritime Services
Home to a fast and efficient international logistics network, Hong Kong is known as "the world's command and control centre" - by air, sea or land.
2:13 17 Jul 2014
Asia's Creative Hub
Asia's creative hub and lifestyle trendsetter, Hong Kong draws architects, designers and artists from around the world to a city where creativity is protected, promoted and celebrated.
2:15 17 Jul 2014
International Market for Film & Digital Services
At the forefront of Asian cinema for more than a century, Hong Kong continues to thrive on cutting-edge digital infrastructure, highly skilled professionals and can-do spirit.
2:10 17 Jul 2014
Asia's Global Financial Centre
Recognised as Asia's central business district and a gateway to China, Hong Kong is a global financial centre built on a free economy, enviable tax rates and firm rule of law.
2:08 17 Jul 2014
Asia's IP Services Innovator
Hong Kong is Asia's centre for Intellectual property (IP) services, with world-class legal expertise, IP agents, marketers, and international arbitrators.
2:18 17 Jul 2014
Asia's Licensing Leader
Top brands such Disney, Mattel and Warner Bros. flock to Hong Kong to take advantage of proven IP protection, experienced industry professionals and strong distribution & marketing networks.
2:03 17 Jul 2014
How To Start a Business in Hong Kong
Interested in starting a business in Hong Kong? In less than three minutes, learn how easy it is to get your business dreams off the ground in Hong Kong - Asia's World City and home to the region's premier business services.
2:36 17 Jul 2014
How Hong Kong Helps Manage Your IP
So you've decided to come to Hong Kong to start a business, but how do you make sure your great idea is protected? Hong Kong's business service professionals and the city's growing skills with IP trading can ease your mind.
2:36 17 Jul 2014
How to Manage Taxes in Hong Kong
Not only are Hong Kong taxes among the lowest in the world, but the taxation process is simple and transparent, allowing you to run your business.
2:22 17 Jul 2014
How to Manage Logistics in Hong Kong
Looking to trade throughout Asia and around the world? Hong Kong offers a multitude of trading opportunities as the world's freest economy backed up by well-developed logistical expertise.
2:14 17 Jul 2014
How to Access Start-up Support in Hong Kong
There's no reason to be left out in the cold when starting a business in Hong Kong. The city's well-established business services include a growing range of programmes and support networks for start-ups and entrepreneurs.
2:49 17 Jul 2014
How to do Business in China from Hong Kong
The business opportunities on the Chinese mainland are more than a few steps closer if you start your venture from Hong Kong. Learn how the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) between the mainland and Hong Kong can put you on the path to success.
2:38 17 Jul 2014
How to find a local partner
Hong Kong is an entrepreneurial heartland and with so many business opportunities here, a partnership may be what you need to sort through and act on these possibilities. Learn how you can find the right partner.
2:53 17 Jul 2014
How to Realise RMB Opportunities in Hong Kong
Hong Kong is a centre for handling China's currency, the renminbi. Find out how that role that can help improve your bottom line.
2:47 17 Jul 2014
How to raise funds in Hong Kong
As an entrepreneur you have a brilliant idea and the savvy business sense to turn it into reality. But where do you find the funds to make this happen? From mortgage loans to crowd funding to angel investors, Hong Kong has it all.
2:33 17 Jul 2014
How to Resolve Disputes in Hong Kong
Hong Kong is a global hub for international arbitration and well equipped for dealing with business conflicts. Learn how you can benefit from some of the world's top lawyers and law firms in the centre of dispute resolution in Asia.
2:42 17 Jul 2014
How Big is the Belt and Road?
Just how big is the potential market created by the Belt and Road Initiative? It will extend from the Chinese mainland to Europe, and more than 60 per cent of the world’s population lives in the 60-plus countries across Asia, Europe and Africa. That’s 30 percent of the world’s GDP, and 35 per cent of world trade.
0:30 15 Feb 2017
What does "Belt and Road" Mean?
So what does the Belt and Road refer to? Think of it as an economic belt and a new silk road. The "belt" refers to economic and overland transport links across China to Central Asia and Europe - while the "road" is actually a network of maritime routes, focused on the use of Chinese sea ports to connect regions across Asia, the Indian Ocean as well as the Middle East, Africa and Europe.
0:33 15 Feb 2017
What are the Five Links for the Belt and Road?
There are Five Links in the Belt and Road initiative, setting our key areas of focus. They are: policy coordination, infrastructure development, investment and trade facilitation, financial integration, and cultural and social exchange.
0:24 15 Feb 2017
The Impact of Developing the Belt and Road
So why develop the Belt and Road Initiative? Enhancing connectivity will boost trade and investment along the Belt and Road, leading to economic growth. An increase in public infrastructure, foreign investment and jobs will help develop markets and increase prosperity.
0:24 15 Feb 2017
Hong Kong's Wide Range of Belt and Road Sector Support
The opportunities and benefits of the Belt and Road are enormous. For sectors ranging from logistics and financial services, to infrastructure and professional services (legal, accountancy, consulting) - Hong Kong can help global businesses capture the vast potential emerging from China's new initiative.
0:26 15 Feb 2017
Hong Kong as a Belt and Road Launch Pad
How do we start the Belt and Road Initiative? To turn this vision into reality, we need to: identify the right opportunities, find the right partners and develop business from the right platform. As a base, Hong Kong is the perfect launch pad to assess feasibility, potential and risk.
0:27 15 Feb 2017
Hong Kong Connects You to the Belt and Road
How is Hong Kong a Belt and Road super-connector? Located within four hours of Asia's key markets, and five hours of half the world's population - Hong Kong is a launch pad to the world. Our free port, independent legal system and free flow of capital, information and talent are among the business advantages Hong Kong offers to connect you with Belt and Road opportunities.
0:30 15 Feb 2017
Hong Kong an East-West Link for the Belt and Road
Hong Kong is well-prepared to help you take advantage of Belt and Road Initiative opportunities. With its strong rule of law, dispute-resolution expertise and open society, Hong Kong is a great place to do business and a solid link between East and West.
0:26 15 Feb 2017
Hong Kong Talent for Belt and Road Opportunities
Hong Kong has a strong pool of talent to support Belt and Road business opportunities. The city has expertise in financing, planning, designing and building large international projects - making Hong Kong an ideal place to take advantage of this new initiative.
0:27 15 Feb 2017
Find Belt and Road Opportunities with the HKTDC
How will the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) help you ride on Belt and Road opportunities? We provide information including online resources to guide you to the best decisions, organise events to introduce you to the right partners with relevant experience, and open doors to Hong Kong's world-class business network. Learn more at The Belt and Road Portal - powered by the HKTDC.
0:27 15 Feb 2017