Hong Kong Partners

The British Chamber is one of Hong Kong's largest international business organisations. Our 1,000+ membership comprises major multinational companies, as well as a substantial number of SMEs, and represents a broad spectrum of British, Hong Kong, international and Chinese companies. Collectively, it makes a significant contribution to the Hong Kong economy and to employment, and constitutes a representative cross-section of business opinion in the SAR.


The FSDC was established by the HKSAR Government in January 2013 in response to the financial services industry’s call for a high-level government advisory body to support the sustained development of the industry. The FSDC engages the industry and formulates proposals to promote the further development of Hong Kong’s financial services industry and map out the strategic direction for the development of Hong Kong as an international financial centre. It acts as a focal point of views and melting pot of ideas, as a champion and ambassador of the industry, and as a capacity builder.

For more details, please visit www.fsdc.org.hk


The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, London (HKETO, London) is the official representation of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government in nine countries, namely Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Russia and the United Kingdom. Its mission is to promote and strengthen Hong Kong's economic, trade and cultural links with these countries.

The Think Asia Think Hong Kong Campaign in London 2017 forms parts of a series of events organised by or supported by the HKETO, London during 2017, commemorating the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.


HKEX is one of the largest financial market operators in the world.

From its home in the financial hub of Hong Kong and an additional base in London, HKEX provides world-class facilities for trading and clearing securities and derivatives in Equities, Commodities, Fixed Income and Currency.

It operates Hong Kong’s only securities and derivatives exchanges as well as their three related clearing houses. It is also a leader in the trading and clearing of commodity derivatives through its subsidiaries, London Metal Exchange (LME) and LME Clear. In 2013, HKEX established an OTC derivatives clearing house in Hong Kong.

HKEX is a leader in Mainland China connectivity. It has been the largest offshore listing destination for Mainland Chinese companies for three decades. Trading and clearing infrastructure of HKEX markets is fully RMB-enabled, and HKEX has more offshore RMB products than any other exchange. HKEX launched the ground-breaking Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect programme in 2014, allowing international investors to connect easily with Mainland China’s stock market for the first time. The scheme is expanded with the launch of Shenzhen Connect in December 2016.

For further information, please visit www.hkexgroup.com or www.hkex.com.hk.


Barristers are specialist advocates in law with the right to appear at all levels of court. They also provide advice, draft documents and conduct hearings in contentious matters including in arbitrations. Barristers are professionally independent legal practitioners. This distinguishes barristers' individual independent practice from the partnership or joint-venture model used by solicitors, thereby avoiding issues of potential conflicts of interest arising from the plethora of clients shared amongst solicitors in the same firm, and ensures that the services of the best advocates are available to all.

The Hong Kong Bar Association is the governing body for barristers in Hong Kong. Established in 1949, the Bar Association has 1,404 members as of June 2017 including 99 "Senior Counsel". Many of our members are bilingual and able to provide legal advice and conduct hearings in English and/or Chinese.

For more information, please visit www.hkba.org.


Today's Hong Kong CPAs are business advisers. They perform more versatile roles including assurance, due diligence, financial analysis, financial reporting, IPO and capital financing, mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, strategic planning, tax advisory and more. With their special skills and experience, they are well-positioned to support investors who want to tap into Hong Kong, Chinese mainland and other Asian markets.

Supporting the development of Hong Kong CPAs, which amount to more than 40,000, and more than 20,000 registered students, the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs has wide-ranging responsibilities, including assuring the quality of entry into the profession through its postgraduate CPA qualification programme, promulgating financial reporting, auditing and ethical standards in Hong Kong, as well as regulating and promoting efficient accounting practices to safeguard Hong Kong's leadership as an international financial centre.

Contact Address:   37th Floor, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel:   (852) 2287 7228
Fax:   (852) 2865 6603
Email:   hkicpa@hkicpa.org.hk
Website:   www.hkicpa.org.hk


The Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) is a company limited by guarantee and a non-profit organisation established under Hong Kong law. It is one of the world's leading dispute resolution organisations, specialising in arbitration, mediation, adjudication and domain name disputes resolution. HKIAC also offers state-of-the-art hearing facilities, which have been ranked first worldwide for location, value for money, IT services and helpfulness of staff.

According to the Queen Mary, University of London and White & Case's 2015 International Arbitration Survey, HKIAC is the third most preferred and used arbitral institution worldwide and the most favoured arbitral institution outside of Europe. Having received Global Arbitration Review's innovation award of 2014, HKIAC is constantly at the forefront of innovative arbitration practice.

For more details, please contact:
Telephone: (852)2525-2381 Email: adr@hkiac.org


The Hong Kong Monetary Authority is the government authority in Hong Kong responsible for maintaining monetary and banking stability. Its main functions are:

  • maintaining currency stability within the framework of the Linked Exchange Rate system
  • promoting the stability and integrity of the financial system, including the banking system
  • helping to maintain Hong Kong's status as an international financial centre, including the maintenance and development of Hong Kong's financial infrastructure
  • managing the Exchange Fund.


The HKMA Infrastructure Financing Facilitation Office (IFFO) is a platform established in 2016. The mission of IFFO is to facilitate infrastructure investments and their financing by working with a cluster of key stakeholders. The functions of IFFO are:

  • providing a platform for information exchange and experience sharing;
  • building capacity and knowledge on infrastructure investments and financing;
  • promoting market and product development; and
  • facilitating infrastructure investment and financing flows.



The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) is a Government-subvented body. Operating 15 offices around the world and representative offices in six different markets, its primary mission is to maximise the social and economic contribution that tourism makes to the community of Hong Kong, and consolidate the city’s position as a world-class destination. The HKTB works closely with the Government, travel industry and other partners to promote Hong Kong worldwide, widen the range of tourism products and elevate service standards, as well as enhance the experiences of visitors during their stay.


The Information Services Department serves as the Hong Kong SAR Government's public relations consultant, news agency, publisher and advertising agent. It provides the link between the Government and the media and, through the latter, enhances public understanding of government policies, decisions and activities.

The department comprises four divisions - Local Public Relations, Public Relations Outside Hong Kong, Publicity and Promotions, and Administration.


Established in July 2000, InvestHK’s vision is to strengthen Hong Kong’s status as the leading international business location in Asia. Our mission is to attract and retain foreign direct investment which is of strategic importance to the economic development of Hong Kong. In all our services, we apply the following core values: passion, integrity, professionalism, customer service, business friendliness and responsiveness.

We work with overseas and Mainland entrepreneurs, SMEs and multinationals that wish to set up an office – or expand their existing business – in Hong Kong.

We offer free advice and services to support companies from the planning stage right through to the launch and expansion of their business.

For more information, please visit www.investhk.gov.hk.