Be Our Exhibitor

Be Our Exhibitors

Why Exhibit

Showcase your bespoke solutions

  • Feature companies’ innovative marketing strategies, solutions and technologies to marketing professionals and brand owners

Develop business

  • Identify potential clients via business matching services

Explore collaboration

  • Connect to global elites specializing in different facets of marketing and explore potential collaboration

Book a booth

The following companies are welcome.
  • Advertising & marketing agencies
  • PR firms
  • Production houses
  • Data analytics companies
  • Ad. tech / marketing tech companies
  • Digital marketing companies

Contact us for more information.

Exhibition Format

9 sq.m. standard booth

HKD16,300 / USD2,090

4.5 sq.m. standard booth

HKD10,600 / USD1,360

Standard Booth
  • One booth in the Exhibition area, display panel, lighting & basic facilities
  • Listing as “exhibitor” in the offical website
  • 3 exhibitor badges per company
  • One complementary full day pass per company
  • Invitation to networking events

1.5 sq.m. start-up booth

HKD5,450 / USD700

for relevant start-ups with less than 3 years of establishment
Start-up booth
  • One kiosk in the Exhibition area with lighting & basic facilities
  • Listing as “exhibitor” in the offical website
  • 2 exhibitor badges per company
  • One complementary full day pass per company
  • Invitation to networking events

Custom-built participation

HKD650 / USD85 (per sq.m.)

Custom-built Participation
  • Prominently located raw-space in the Exhibition area (minimum area: 18 sq.m.)
  • Listing as “exhibitor” in the offical website
  • 5 exhibitor badges per company
  • One complementary full day pass per company
  • Invitation to networking events

Eligible Hong Kong SMEs may apply for the SME Export Marketing Fund for up to 50% of the booth rental, subject to TID’s approval. (
Remarks: The booth configuration and facilities are subject to adjustment. The Organiser reserves the right to change the configuration and facilities without prior notice.
*Information is subject to change without prior notice.